

Friday, April 5, 2019

April 05, 2019

5 Free and Useful AntiVirus Software for Windows

Antivirus for Windows is a contentious issue among users. There will always be debate about which is “best” and which provides the highest protection. Manufacturers also are complicit in this, as they naturally promote their products and highlight their features so that users move from free software to a premium subscription. Whichever product users select will come down to choice.
Personally, I don’t run any antivirus on my Windows PC at all, not even Windows Defender. This may seem risky, but security is a concept, not a product. Browsing habits, care with zipped files, and not opening unknown emails and attachments will keep users safe, and with common sense, you can avoid the many pitfalls of an online world.
That said, having an antivirus product on your system can give piece of mind to those who are less experienced users or those who aren’t yet ready to face the wild frontier of the Internet alone.
There are many free and useful antivirus products that will suit users of all levels, and what follows is a roundup, in no order of preference, to help you make a choice.

1. AVG Antivirus Free

AVG is one of the best known antivirus programs and has both free and premium options. It gives you a little of everything for basic security and some features that other vendors lock behind their subscription model. AVG free has a real-time scanner, email, download scanning and a web filter to keep your browsing safe. There are no real downsides to the product except that it may be too basic for some; however, the benefits of a great performance and the zero price point make it a good choice.

2. Avast

Avast is another popular choice for security. It has the benefit of scanning for nearly all threat types, and the installation gives a good degree of control on what users want and what they don’t. It doesn’t have the same bloat that some free software has.
Avast has a real-time scanner that works with web filtering to act as a defense. It has web submission for files you suspect may be malicious and as a bonus, Avast Wi-Fi scanner lets you know what devices are on your network. If this isn’t enough, Avast can scan your device for obsolete software or drivers. The catch is that the free version offers no fix; it just simply points out the problem. The performance is good, and the software doesn’t get in the way of daily use.

3. Kaspersky Antivirus 2018

Kaspersky is an antivirus company based in Russia, but don’t let the current political climate influence your decision on their products. This year’s release is a return to form. As with the previous app mentioned, real-time scanning, email and filtering is normal, but Kaspersky is a step up on other providers. The efficiency of the software is good for system resources, and the simplicity means anyone can install and forget. The interface is simple and is kept free of clutter. Give it a try.

4. Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus

Webroot is a curious beast. It has a good reputation for both home and business use, but personally, I don’t find it that effective. It follows a different philosophy as most vendors, and this is reflected in the footprint usage which is virtually none. Webroot won’t hog system resources, which is a plus; however, it achieves this via the use of cloud-based detection. It requires users to have an active connection to be effective, and it could be argued that if a user is offline, they are at a lower risk, but what if files are already downloaded and perhaps not yet opened or unzipped? The software also appears to be a trial-based option as opposed to free, which may be confusing for some users.

5. Panda Antivirus

Despite the cute name, Panda is a company with a serious attitude toward virus protection. It boasts a 100% detection rate and minimal footprint on system resources. It has a USB scan, along with a rescue kit to recover your device should some malware attack the boot partition.
As with the previous app, real-time scanning and a dedicated “gamer mode” mean that users are not disturbed by alerts when working or at play. Along with Webroot, this software relies on cloud-based detection and cleanup, which may be problematic in patchy signal areas or where the bandwidth is limited, such as public Wi-Fi.
There are many other companies that offer virus and malware solutions, and as I said at the beginning, users will have their personal preference, and there is no right or wrong answer to the question of what free antivirus you should use? The most sensible route to take is to test various products thoroughly before committing. Just as each system configuration is different, the response from each software vendor will be as well.
April 05, 2019

The Best Domain Name Registrars for 2019

You’ve settled on a domain name, and now you need to find a domain registrar to buy and register that domain, but which one is the best domain name registrar you should use? We’re here to help you with that.
Domain registrars are responsible for registration and management of domain names for every website across the globe. This is why choosing the right domain name registrar is crucial so you don’t get tricked.

What to look for in a domain name registrar


Pricing structures offered by domain name registrars vary. One may have a low headline figure, but upon renewal, it proves more expensive.
A domain name registrar may also offer more value for a .com domain but a lesser deal for a different extension.
Similarly, extra costs may be included to transfer your domain to a new registrar. Read the fine print on the domain transfer policy prior to signing up.


Depending on the registrar, optional or bundled extras like hosting or privacy services may come at a fee, but several registrars and/or hosting companies offer these for free.
If privacy and security are important to you, check for registrars that offer good deals on SSL certificates among other services.


Something critical may come up that may cause issues with your address, so you’ll need your provider on hand to assist you.
There are a sheer number of companies offering domain registration, but the following is our roundup of the best overall.

1. Namecheap

Namecheap is a popular domain name registrar, managing over five million domains.
Its pricing gives you more bang for your buck with add-ons like SSL certificates, premium DNS, domain privacy, and free WhoisGuard privacy protection and domain email forwarding. It also comes with web hosting and one-click WordPress installation, although they are optional and not required when you purchase a domain name from them.
Its domain search displays results across four tabs: New, Popular, International, and Discounted, making it easy for you to browse and find what you need.
Why it is the best
  • Affordable
  • Trusted brand
  • ICANN-accredited
  • Simple and intuitive management panel
  • Great value
  • Status updates blog
  • User-friendly
  • Simple and straightforward checkout
  • Live chat support
  • Helpful FAQ pages

2. GoDaddy

GoDaddy is one of the most popular and biggest name providers, having been on the scene for more than two decades. Besides offering domains and related services, GoDaddy, which manages over 75 million domains, also offers web hosting, websites and much more.
In terms of pricing, GoDaddy offers affordable starting prices, but they only apply if paid for two years upfront. Otherwise, it’s pricier than what other domain name registrars offer.
While it doesn’t offer bundled extras like Whois privacy, GoDaddy provides a bundled domain registration and a hosting deal, which is appealing to web beginners.
Why it is the best:
  • User-friendly
  • Wide selection of domain extensions
  • Powerful domain management interface
  • ICANN-accredited
  • Variety of hosting add-ons
  • Operates worldwide
  • Offers domain auctions
  • Telephone support

3. Google Domains

This is a straightforward domain name registrar without the upsells or “special deals.” It is simple, hassle-free, and easy to use.
However, it doesn’t support all domain extensions that you may find with other registrars, and its pricing is standardized to whole numbers.
What you get for choosing Google Domains are features like email forwarding, domain and subdomain forwarding, free Whois privacy, and Google name servers with 10 million DNS resolutions annually.
Its support is like no other as Google actually calls you if you need assistance, but you can also talk to a support agent via live chat or email.
Why it is the best
  • Whois privacy
  • Excellent support (email/chat/phone/help center)
  • Easy to use
  • Above average prices

4. Bluehost

Bluehost is one of the largest hosting companies globally, and it also offers domain name registration.
As an official WordPress hosting partner, Bluehost offers free domain names, discounts on web hosting, and SSL certificates for users if you start a hosting account with them.
It’s the best domain name registrar if you want the full package, though you can still purchase a domain from them without the hosting. Bluehost packages ensure you get everything you need to get your website up and running in just hours.
However, for full domain privacy protection, you have to upgrade at a fee of about $0.99 monthly. Your Whois details will be branded with those of Bluehost instead of displaying your own.
Why it is the best
  • Affordable
  • Helpful user support portal

5. HostGator

HostGator is primarily a web hosting service that offers domain names. It offers domain privacy, a selection of extensions, and DNS management tools that are easy to use.
You can search for your preferred domain name using its domain search tool that works quickly to find a suitable name for your business.
HostGator’s features include domain renewal, domain locking to prevent unauthorized name transfers, and easy management through a control panel with each domain.
Why it is the best:
  • Affordable
  • Beginner-friendly
  • Control panel with each domain
  • Well documented domain management area
April 05, 2019

How to Fix Wi-Fi Not Working Issue in Windows 10

Wi-Fi, it’s safe to say, permeates every aspect of our existence. It’s there when we wake up, when we have dinner, some say its waves are interfering with our very brains. In short, Wi-Fi is important, and when it stops working on Windows, it can feel like our lives grind to a halt.
We’ve gathered some fixes for a faulty or broken Wi-Fi connection on Windows 10.

The Obvious Stuff

First of all, are other devices connecting to your Wi-Fi network without issue? If they are, then read on as your problem must be related to your Windows PC. If not, then your problem could be related to your router, and the first port of call should be to turn it off then on again.
Is your Wi-Fi switched on (Settings -> Network & Internet -> WiFi)?
In the Wi-Fi menu, you can also click “Manage known networks,” get Windows to “Forget” the network you’re trying to connect to, then reconnect to it again.
All that failing, here are the more advanced fixes.

Restart Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter

A lot of people with a faulty Wi-Fi connection have reported the problem stems from the Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter. This is responsible for turning Windows into a Wi-Fi hotspot, however, so bear in mind that disabling this to fix your Wi-Fi will also disable the Portable Hotspot function.
Go to “Device Manager” (search for it in the Start menu search bar), then once you’re there, click “View -> Show hidden devices.”
Scroll down to Network adapters, right-click “Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter,” then “Disable device.” Reboot your PC, and you’re done.

Disable Power Management on Wi-Fi

While you’re in the Device Manager, you can also try disabling power management for the wireless network adapter that’s having trouble. In Device Manager under Network adapters, look for the the adapter with the word “Wireless” or “Wi-Fi” in it (this will vary depending on the make of your card), then right-click it and click Properties.
In the new window click the Power Management tab and untick the “Allow the computer to turn off this device” box.

Reset Network Settings

A little simpler, and with no negative side effects, you can reset the network settings in Windows. This will uninstall and reinstall all your system’s network drivers, hopefully removing any issues they had.
To do this, just go to “Settings -> Network & Internet -> Status -> Network reset.”

Restart Wireless NIC in BIOS

This one won’t be possible for everyone, as different motherboard manufacturers have different options available in the BIOS, but it’s worth a try.
To enter your BIOS, repeatedly press either the Del, F8, F10, or F2 key (this may vary) as your PC is booting. If Windows starts up, you’ve done it wrong and need to reboot and try again.
Once you’re in the BIOS, look for a menu called something like “Power Management,” under which you should find an option called Wireless, Wireless LAN or similar. Disable this, reboot your PC, then enter the BIOS again and re-enable it.


The no-WiFi issue on Windows is a multi-headed beast that can be hard to pin down, but if the problem does indeed stem from the software or drivers on your PC (and not, say, a dying Wi-Fi adapter or router issue), then the above fixes should be enough to help you.
April 05, 2019

How to Connect Two Computers Using a LAN Cable in Windows

Connection and transfer of data is one of the invaluable uses of a computer. A lot of technology has arisen from this dire need. Between computers, one effective method is via the use of Ethernet cables. The questions that arise though this method are which cable should I use (the straight or the crossover cable) and how do I do so?

Choosing Between Straight or Crossover Cables

To know which cables will get the work done, one should first determine which devices they seek to connect; are they devices of the same kind (two computers for example) or devices of a different kind (a computer to a network switch or Ethernet hub, for example).
When two like systems are sharing files, one outputs the data while the other receives it as input. Intentionally crossed wiring in the crossover cable connects the transmit signals at one end to the receive signals at the other end. This makes crossover cables the more ideal cable for Ethernet connection between similar systems, like two computers.

How to Connect Two Windows PCs with a LAN Cable

With a crossover cable in hand, the steps are pretty straightforward.
1. Go to “Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change Adapter Settings.”
2. Click on “Change Adapter Settings.” This will reveal different connections. Select the appropriate connection for your LAN. Usually, but not necessarily, the connection will be called Ethernet and have the description network cable unplugged.
Right-click on the connection and select “Properties.” The local area’s connection properties window will appear.
3. Under the network tab select “Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4),” then click on “Properties.”
In the Properties windows set the IP address and subnet masks of the first computer to:
  • IP –
  • Subnet Mask –
Repeat all the above steps for the second computer, and set the IP address and subnet Mask as follows:
  • IP –
  • Subnet Mask –
Note: it is important to ensure that the last values of the IP address for both computers are different.
4. The next step is to connect the crossover cable to the network ports of the two computers. Both ends of the network cable look the same, so it doesn’t matter which end you use first. The network ports look something like the image below. (Do note that most modern computers laptops don’t come with a LAN port.)
5. Right-click on “This PC,” and choose “Properties.” Click on “Change settings -> Change.” This reveals the window with the name of the work group. The value for the workgroup name should be the same for both PCs. By default, the workgroup name will be WORKGROUP, but you can change it to any name you like.
6. Right-click on the drive you want to share. Scroll to the “Give access to” option and click “Advanced Sharing.” Under the sharing tab, click the “Advanced Sharing” button.
This reveals the advanced sharing window. Check the “Share this folder” checkbox, and click “Apply -> OK.”
At this stage, you will have successfully connected the two Windows computers to share your drives between them.

Transferring Files

Specific folders or files can now be transferred. To share specific folders or files from Computer A (ADMIN-HP) with Computer B, simply right-click the desired folder or file in Computer A, scroll to the “Give access to” option and click “Specific People.”
Select “Everyone” from the drop-down menu in the file sharing window. Next, click “Add” and click “Share.”
Go to the Network Panel on Computer B, and you will see the name of whatever computer is part of the network. In this case Computer A is ADMIN-HP. Double-click on it, and all files shared will be displayed. At this stage you can use the normal copy and paste to move the desired content.
In the case of copying files from Computer B to Computer A, perform the same steps, but this time the steps previously performed on Computer A are performed on Computer B and vice versa.
Have you set up a small home network using an Ethernet crossover cable? Let us know your ideas in the comments section.
April 05, 2019

3 Ways to Stop Windows 10 Forced Updates

Windows 10 is a great operating system, and Microsoft keeps on making it better by installing cumulative updates. Updates are an important part of your system, for security and stability reasons. However, the Windows 10 policy of forced updates has become a subject of controversy and one of its least liked features.
While Microsoft aims to make Windows 10 more efficient by pushing updates, the idea of forced updates may have caused problems for users. That’s because some of the updates are so huge (over 4GB) and they download automatically. This can be very frustrating if you have a limited data plan.
Worst of all, Windows 10 will force updates every time you try to restart and/or shut down your computer. This can put your PC into an endless booting loop. In this tutorial we’ll show you the three workarounds that will help you stop the Windows 10 forced updates permanently.

1. Mark Your Wi-Fi Connection as Metered

Marking your Wi-Fi connection as metered bars all background activities. Since Windows 10 updates are a continuous process that keeps running in the background, setting your connection as metered is the easiest way to stop forced updates.
It’s worth noting that this option will only delay the updates. The moment you toggle the Metered connection button to “OFF,” Windows 10 will start downloading updates automatically. But as long as the metered connection button is set to “ON,” Windows 10 will never download any update without your permission. To set your connection as metered, follow the steps below.
1. Press Win + I to launch the Settings app.
2. Click the “Network & Internet” option.
3. Under Wireless Network Connection, scroll down and click on the “Advanced Options” link.
4. A page will open with more options to configure your wireless networks. Look for the “Metered Connection” option. By default, this option is set to Off. Click and toggle it to On.
That’s it. Now Windows will not download anything in the background.
Note: Setting your connection as metered will affect Bluetooth connectivity. If you often use Bluetooth, this might not be the best option for you. Also, this method will not work if you use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer to the Internet.

2. Disable the Windows Update Service

The Windows Update Service can detect, download, and install Windows updates and applications. Once disabled, it stops the Windows automatic update feature. Since the Windows Update service is another Windows process, you can stop it by following these simple steps.
1. Press the Win + R keys to open the run command.  Type in services.msc and click OK.
2. From the Services list that appears, locate and click the “Windows Update” option to open it.
3. A Windows Update Properties box will open. In the Startup type (under the “General” tab), and you’ll find the option to configure how you’d want the updates delivered. By default, this option is set to Automatic. You can disable it or change it to manual.
4. Lastly, head over to the “Recovery” tab, and click on it. In the “First failure section,” select “Take no action.” This will help prevent the Update Service from restarting and potentially resetting itself to automatic (default) after it fails to push updates.
5. Click “Apply,” then restart your PC.
Note: if you disable the Windows Update Service, your computer will not be able to download any updates. This will stop all future updates, and the programs will not be able to use the Windows Update Agent (WUA) API.
To re-enable the Windows Update service, repeat the above process but change the startup type to “Automatic.”

3. Stop Automatic Updates by Making Changes in the Group Policy Editor

The Windows 10 Group Policy also has a hidden feature that you can use to disable automatic updates. By tweaking some settings in the Group Policy Editor, you’ll be able to choose how you want the updates delivered. Here’s how to do it:
1. Press the Win + R keys to open the Run command. Type in gpedit.mscand press “OK” to launch the Local Group Policy Editor.
2. Find the Computer configuration option and click on it. Then navigate to the Administrative Templates folder and click to expand it.
3. Under Administrative Templates, select the “Windows Components” folder and click on it.
The system will open a very long list of the Windows components. At the bottom of the list you’ll find the Windows Update folder. Double-click on the folder to expand it.
4. Look for the “Configure Automatic Updates” option in the services list that will open up. Double-click on it to open more Windows Update configuration settings.
5. A new window will open with more options to configure the Windows updates. Select “Enabled,” then scroll down to the available options and select the “Notify for downloads and notify for install” option from the dropdown list.
6. Click the “Apply” button and exit.
This way, whenever updates are available for your computer, Windows will be notifying you that updates are available for downloads, rather than downloading and updating automatically. You can head over to “Settings -> Windows Update,” and choose to download and install the updates at your most convenient time. Windows will not be able to download or install updates without your permission.
To confirm whether the changes have been effected, launch the Settings app and head to “Updates & Security -> Windows Update -> Advanced options.” You should see a “Notify to download” button that has been grayed out.
If you don’t see a grayed out “notify to download” button, you may have missed a step or used the wrong settings.

Wrapping Up

The Windows 10 updates are a good thing, as they can help to boost system efficiency and security. But at times, stopping the updates can come in handy, especially when you want to stop a troublesome update from automatically reinstalling.
We hope these workarounds will help you to delay or completely stop Windows 10 forced updates. Feel free to comment and share.
April 05, 2019

How to Fix “Windows License Will Expire Soon” Error

How to check Windows’ activation status

This is a good place to start. You have to really be sure you have an active license. If not, your option would be to buy a genuine Windows license.
To check your status:
1. Open File Explorer.
2. On the left pane, right-click on “This-PC” or your computer name if you have one customized. This brings up some others options. Select the “Properties” option.
Alternatively, you could open up your Control Panel and navigate to “System and Security -> System.”
3. At the bottom of the System control panel applet, under Windows activation, the activation status is displayed. If you have an activated system and have encountered the “Windows will expire soon” issue, then you should try these solutions.

Solution 1: Restart Windows Explorer process

Right-click on any empty area in your desktop taskbar, and select the “Task manager” option. Navigate to the processes tab at the top of the Window.
Under the Processes tab, search for Windows Explorer, right-click on it and select the “Restart” option. Alternatively, select Windows Explorer, and click “Restart” by the bottom-right corner of the Window.

Solution 2: Input a product key

For this process, you need to know the license key. To find the license key, open the Command Prompt with admin privileges. Enter the command:
Copy your product key displayed under “OA3xOriginalProductKey.” Open the System Control Panel applet like you did while trying to check your activation status. Click on the option to “Change product key.” It is located at the bottom-right corner.
In the pop-up that appears, enter the product key you have copied from your command prompt, and click “OK.” You may need to restart your computer afterward.

Solution 3: Reset licensing status

Most of the time resetting the licensing status should fix this issue. The process for a reset is pretty straightforward.
1. Open the command prompt with admin privileges. Type the command:
Once this is done, go ahead and restart the computer. Hopefully, this should resolve the problem.


These processes are quite basic and do not require much computer experience. They should help fix your “Windows will expire soon” issue. But if none of the above solutions work for your computer, you may consider contacting the vendor or taking your computer to a qualified technician to troubleshoot for you.